What Never Ends

When do things end? When is the hope fulfilled, when do we reach the end, when do we find what we’re looking for, when we don’t know what that is? Because for as long as this question is unanswered, all experience is only an endless train of doubts and false hopes, for when can we […]

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I haven’t slept the last two night, not really. Yet I’m faced with a crisis, a crisis of my identity and self. Time waits for no one yet I have spent my time rushing past, forgetting what peace truly means. I didn’t sleep the last two nights, yet I was peaceful, calm, without blood throbbing […]

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what once was mine

Everywhere I go, I’m reminded of the things I have lost, what once was mine. Is there a way to delete memories, but time? I’m in uncertain lands now, for the first time, not knowing what the inspired me should do, because till this time I have been lost before, but goosebumps have always shown […]

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