The thing about expression is that it is now fashionable to argue and bring people down. With a lack of sensible moderation, everybody believes they are brilliant arguers, when facts are ignored and many times twisted to unbelievably silly interpretations.

Reading Marx, Durkheim and Sigmund Freud, I realize that structured dialectic argument is key to most convention science and study. Knowledge, it seems, must be layered over the course of time, to give us various lenses to see the world through. But there is always the question, of whether it is possible to see the world without any lens, whether all study of society and the world is futile and pointless, only filling up our time till our demise.

See, intellectual thought used to be straightforward when I was younger. Now, there’s ambiguity, there’s a contest of truth.
I will try to lay out the ideals, conflicts and maybe arrive at a solution, through the next few writings.

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