A Heavenly Troll

Are there common paths that men tread, in this world of white, black, grey and every other colour that we believe to exist?
Because it seems so, that no matter how much you search for more, you have only these colours to imagine, nothing more.
I want to find a color never experienced, a lapse from the creative imagination of the creatively wanton world,
To see something never before seen, not simply to search amongst what it there to be searched from.

For if these common paths, are all that we ever tread, if the mind and life that I lead,
Is present right now, this second, in another,
Why must I live, or travel at all?
Is there something deeper, deeper than destiny’s call?
I’ve loved, I’ve lost, and I’ve lived a small life,
where there’s been the usual strife,
and a constant presence of an overhanging knife,

threatening to drop, if I adopt mediocrity,
so hence I keep walk forward, accepting an unintended treaty.
But the love I’ve loved isn’t different, it isn’t more,
There’s a hundred around the world, keeping the same score
of tears dripped from sunken eyes,
of lies accepted as truth, and battle cries,
To the war for the soul, for life and for happiness,
living a life among the rest, stepping out in all readiness
to accept the defeat that the world will offer,
the currency of smiles, filling our heart’s coffer.

For if we set foot outside the box that is our world,
we risk slipping and falling, quick sand, our bodies sinking,
with every struggle to escape going deeper,
till we someday stop moving entirely, give in to the Reaper.

So why risk at all, why walk the common path,
smell what we smell, see what we see?
Must we try so hard, to be what we be?
Step out from the box, fall and die,
for without the uncommon path, humanity is but a try,
trying to transcend the normal, the life of living,
going above to an adventure,
of seeing the colours unseen.

Dance out in the harmony of the smells and the sounds,
of leaves rustling and water flowing,
remove yourself from the daunting life,
give yourself to the undaunted.

For we walk for our soul,
run for our heart, stop, drop and roll,
remove the doubt, keep hope as our north pole,

till someday…somehow…someway,
we retrieve what, from us, fate stole,

understand, believe, accept this eternal goal,
to become the magical uncommon,
and give the Gods a heavenly troll.

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